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My Favorite Books of 2023

Due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, I have intensified my focus on cybersecurity. This shift is reflected in my selection of favorite books this year, featuring many titles on cyber threats and digital privacy. This article aims to provide valuable insights and inspiration, helping you prepare for challenges in both personal and professional realms.

Sandworm - Book of the Year

By: Andy Greenberg

Why It’s Useful: Understanding the real and present dangers of cyberwarfare is crucial in our digital age, especially with rising geopolitical tensions.
Personal Insight: This book opened my eyes to the intricacies and stakes of cyberwarfare. It vividly shows how russia constantly impacts Ukraine, highlighting the critical importance of cybersecurity in the current geopolitical climate. The detailed accounts of cyberattacks gave me a deeper understanding of the modern digital battlefield and the urgency of advancing our defensive capabilities.

The Cuckoo’s Egg - I Slept Less to Listen This Book to the End

By: Cliff Stoll

Why It’s Useful: It illustrates the persistence and ingenuity required to track and stop cyber threats, vital for anyone interested in cybersecurity.
Personal Insight: The relentless pursuit detailed in this book was captivating, much like a detective novel. This story brought to life the complexities of digital investigations and underscored the need for persistence and creativity in cybersecurity. The real-life aspect made the narrative even more compelling, showing how one person’s determination can make a significant difference in the field.

Atomic Habits - The Biggest Impact

By: James Clear

Why It’s Useful: Offers practical strategies for forming good habits and breaking bad ones, which can lead to significant personal and professional growth.
Personal Insight: Implementing these principles has significantly enhanced my productivity and overall well-being. This book’s insights into habit formation and incremental improvement have become integral to my daily routine, proving that small, consistent changes can lead to remarkable results over time.

The Art of Invisibility - Good Classic

By: Kevin Mitnick

Why It’s Useful: Offers essential tips and strategies for online privacy and anonymity, increasingly important in our digital world.
Personal Insight: This book has heightened my awareness of online security, prompting me to take more proactive measures to protect my personal information. Mitnick’s expertise provided practical steps that I have implemented to safeguard my digital footprint, making me feel more secure in an age of pervasive surveillance.

Ghost in the Wires - Good Classic

By: Kevin Mitnick, William L. Simon

Why It’s Useful: Mitnick’s autobiography offers thrilling insights into the world of hacking and underscores the importance of robust cybersecurity measures.
Personal Insight: Mitnick’s adventures were both fascinating and alarming. His story highlighted the importance of understanding both the offensive and defensive sides of cybersecurity. It reinforced the need for continuous vigilance and the development of sophisticated security protocols to protect against similar threats.

The Bezos Letters

By: Steve Anderson, Karen Anderson

Why It’s Useful: Analyzes Jeff Bezos’s shareholder letters to reveal Amazon’s key principles and strategies, providing valuable insights for business growth.
Personal Insight: Understanding Amazon’s growth principles has been incredibly enlightening. This book can help understand the culture of big companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google. It’s a must-read before interviewing with these organizations, offering insights into their strategic thinking and operational philosophies.

Slicing Pie

By: Mike Moyer

Why It’s Useful: Offers a fair and flexible approach to dividing equity among startup co-founders, essential for entrepreneurs.
Personal Insight: This concept is incredibly practical for organizing startup work. I regret not reading it 15 years ago when starting my first IT business with university friends. The dynamic equity model proposed by Moyer provides a fair and transparent way to handle equity splits, which could have prevented many conflicts and misunderstandings in my early entrepreneurial endeavors.

Spam Nation

By: Brian Krebs

Why It’s Useful: Provides an investigative look into cybercrime and spam operations, highlighting the importance of cybersecurity.
Personal Insight: Krebs’ investigation into spam operations was eye-opening. It reinforced the scale of cyber threats and the need for robust security measures. His detailed reporting on the inner workings of cybercrime networks provided valuable lessons on how to protect against these pervasive threats.

Permanent Record

By: Edward Snowden

Why It’s Useful: Provides a firsthand account of mass surveillance practices and their ethical implications, underscoring the importance of privacy.
Personal Insight: Snowden’s revelations have deepened my understanding of privacy issues and inspired me to advocate for stronger privacy protections. His courageous actions and detailed account of global surveillance systems highlight the urgent need for transparency and ethical standards in data handling and privacy.

The Pragmatic Programmer: 20th Anniversary Edition, 2nd Edition

By: David Thomas, Andrew Hunt

Why It’s Useful: Offers updated insights and best practices for software development, crucial for programmers.
Personal Insight: This book has refined my approach to coding and problem-solving, enhancing my efficiency and effectiveness as a programmer. The pragmatic advice and techniques presented are timeless, providing a solid foundation for both novice and experienced developers.

The Obstacle Is the Way

By: Ryan Holiday

Why It’s Useful: Presents Stoic philosophy in a modern context, focusing on turning obstacles into opportunities.
Personal Insight: The book’s insights on embracing challenges have been transformative, helping me view setbacks as opportunities for growth and improvement. Holiday’s modern take on Stoic principles has been invaluable in navigating both personal and professional challenges, fostering resilience and adaptability.


By: Fredrik Backman

Why It’s Useful: A compelling story about community resilience in the face of tragedy, offering deep insights into human nature.
Personal Insight: This novel’s portrayal of community strength and perseverance resonated deeply, highlighting the power of solidarity and support in overcoming adversity. The emotional depth and character development provided profound insights into the human condition and the importance of community bonds in times of crisis.

I would love to hear your thoughts on these books. Have you read any of them? What did you think? Also, if you have any book recommendations for 2024, please share them with me.